
Christos Yannaras, in memoriam

Christos Yannaras never left readers indifferent with his writings for Kathimerini; his editorials left no room for mild reactions. There were readers who were devoted to him and others who could not tolerate him. Some saw him as a prominent figure in a unique Greek-centric Enlightenment, while others regarded him as a proponent of obscurantism.

Greece to introduce economic literacy course in high schools, minister says

Minister of Education Kyriakos Pierrakakis announced on Thursday the decision to introduce a course on basic economic concepts in the first year of high school, starting in 2025.

According to Pierrakakis, the decision aims to combat economic illiteracy among young people.

Collaborating on cross-border wildfire research initiative

The Athens Observatory's Meteo unit, the Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development and San Jose State University's Wildfire Interdisciplinary Research Center (WIRC) on Thursday signed a memorandum of cooperation to share know-how and engage in joint research on studying wildfires.

Researchers make breakthrough in predicting adult height in children

Researchers at Slovenia's Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS) and Ljubljana Faculty of Sport have developed a new method to predict adult height in children and teenagers, using extensive population data and artificial intelligence. The new predictions are much more precise than those based on methods currently in use.

Türkiye launches science diplomacy in the 7th National Antarctic Science Expedition

Conducting 18 projects on Horseshoe Island as part of the 7th National Antarctic Science Expedition, Turkish researchers visited science bases belonging to eight different countries on the continent, which hold important clues about the past and future of the earth.
