MOT test
Supreme Court: car dealers convicted for tampering with a speedometer
If you are selling your car and tamper with the odometer to reduce the mileage in order to secure a higher price, you are committing fraud. This can result in both a prison sentence ranging from 6 months to 10 years (with the latter applying if the car’s value is high) and a financial penalty.
Rising Costs: Annual Vehicle Inspections in Bulgaria See Price Surge
The annual technical inspection for vehicles in Bulgaria has seen a significant spike in cost, according to a report by "Telegraph". The price has soared to BGN 90, marking a notable increase from last year's range of BGN 45 to BGN 60.
Thousands of facilities, vehicles in Turkey receive Safe Tourism Certificate
Thousands of facilities and tour and transfer vehicles in Turkey have been granted the "Safe Tourism Certificate" through a program aimed at ensuring the safety of tourists, relevant staff and travelers from COVID-19.
The Turkey Tourism Promotion and Development Agency (TGA) said the certificates have been granted to a total of 5,216 accommodation facilities.
Bulgaria: What Will Change after Eco-Stickers for Vehicles Are Mandated
Since September last year, the Ordinance on annual technical inspections of road vehicles has an addendum, which must enter into force from July 2021.
Vehicle safety test centres to reopen on December 14
The public or private roadworthiness testing centres (KTEO) will reopen on Monday (Dec. 14), the Transport Ministry announced on Friday.
The tests are conducted on all private and public-use passenger cars, trucks weighing up to 3.5 tons and motorcycles.
The testing centers closed as part of the health measures introduced during the coronavirus pandemic.
Cross checks to be carried out on vehicle owners dodging inspections
Motorists who have skipped the biennial inspection of their vehicles will need to visit a Vehicle Inspection Center (KTEO) soon or face a hefty fine, as the Independent Authority for Public Revenue is launching a cross-checking process in cooperation with the Transport Ministry to identify the vehicle owners who have neglected this obligation.
Extra fine for skipping a KTEO test
Some 1 million vehicle owners have just four days left before Saturday's deadline by which their car, truck or motor cycle must have passed a roadworthiness test at a public or private roadworthiness testing center (KTEO), otherwise they face an additional fine of 150 euros to be imposed through the Finance Ministry's Taxisnet.
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Bulgarian Parliament Adopts Introduction of Toll Road System
Sofia. The Parliament has adopted today final amendments to the Roads Act, which introduce a mixed system for charging different categories of motor vehicles and fees based on time and distance travelled, Focus News Agency reports. The amount of the fees will be proposed by the regional minister and the minister of finance.
Unsafe vehicles on Greek roads
Hundreds of thousands of vehicles on Greek roads have reportedly not passed the KTEO roadworthiness test, and an increasing number of drivers are failing to turn up for their appointments at test centers.
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Germany plans new emissions testing body after VW scandal
The German transport ministry announced plans on June 27 to set up a new institute to test vehicle emissions to try to restore consumer confidence after the Volkswagen scandal.
The ministry said it would found a new testing institute involving the auto industry, ministries, consumer organizations and environmental groups.