Freedom and Solidarity Party

Anti-Corruption Party Tops Vote in Slovakia Election

In the first parliamentary election since the murder two years ago of journalist Jan Kuciak, the Ordinary People and Independent Personalities (OLANO) party took almost 25 per cent of the vote, compared with 18.5 per cent for SMER-SD.

It was SMER-SD's first loss in a general election since 2006 and its worst showing at the ballot box since 2002.

Turkey marks Gezi's second anniversary with police lockdown

Riot police and water cannons stood on alert on May 31 as Taksim Square and Gezi Park, alongside numerous roads and metro stations leading to Taksim, were closed to prevent gatherings called by Taksim Solidarity, a collective organization of several rights groups at the center of the Gezi Park protests, to commemorate the second anniversary of the nationwide anti-government protests. 

Police on alert on Gezi's second anniversary

Riot police and water cannons stood on alert on May 31 as Taksim Square and Gezi Park, alongside numerous roads and metro stations leading to Taksim, were closed to prevent gatherings called by Taksim Solidarity, a collective organization of several rights groups at the center of the Gezi Park protests, to commemorate the second anniversary of the nationwide anti-government protests. 

12 political parties withdraw from June 7 elections

A total of 12 political parties have withdrawn from the June 7 parliamentary elections in Turkey, with 11 of them not submitting their lists of nomination candidates by April 7.

Eleven of the 31 political parties which were eligible to enter the elections on June 7 did not submit their lists, automatically disqualifying them from the election ballot.