
Spurred by Film and TV Production, Canadian Entertainment Industry Continues to Surge

Canada might not seem like one of the most ideal countries to film movies and shows, given the freezing temperatures that can even include such instances as a bomb cyclone, as we covered at, and yet, productions are flocking to north of the border.

Over 100 Wildfires in Canada: 30,000 People Evacuated

More than 100 active wildfires in western Canada that continue to grow have led to new evacuation orders, AFP reported.

About 30,000 people have been asked to leave their homes in Alberta, where more than two dozen fires are still burning.

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith called the situation "unprecedented" and declared a state of emergency on Saturday.

Scientists Have Revealed Dinosaurs Last Meal

Researchers have revealed what a 2,800-pound armor-plated dinosaur ate for its last meal before it perished around 110 million years ago.

In 2011, miners accidentally uncovered the fossilized remains of a dinosaur specimen representing the species Borealopelta markmitchelli—a type of nodosaur—at a site near Fort McMurray in Alberta, Canada.

6 Interesting Facts about Lapland

Lapland is a province and region in Finland with a population of nearly 190 thousand people and an area of ​​nearly 100 square kilometers. It borders Sweden, Norway, Russia and the Gulf of Bothnia, and its capital is Rovaniemi. 7 of Finland's 35 national parks are located in this province and there is also a place where you can see the extraordinary northern lights.
