Hudson Institute

US expert confirmed Vučić's words about the reasons for the sanctions to Vulin VIDEO

Luke Coffey from the Hudson Institute confirmed for VOA the words of Serbian President Aleksandar Vui this morning about the reasons for sanctioning BIA director Aleksandar Vulin.
As Coffey said, corruption, crime and drugs are certainly not the reason for this.

INTERVIEW/Carafano: Trump is controversial; when you look past controversy there is clarity of purpose in foreign policy

Bucharest, May 29 /Agerpres/ - US President Donald Trump is controversial both in the United States as in Europe but, "when you look past the controversy and you put that aside, there is a clarity of purpose in US foreign policy", said, in an interview for AGERPRES, foreign policy expert James Carafano.

Kammenos talks with US counterpart in Washington called off

Defense Minister Panos Kammenos will not be meeting his US counterpart Thursday as the encounter has been called off by Washington, sources told Kathimerini Tuesday.

Kammenos had been due to meet Defense Secretary Ashton Carter on his latest visit to the USA but will not hold talks with him or Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work.