
Roma in Bulgaria's Garmen to Protest Housing Demolition

The residents of a Roma neighborhood in the Bulgarian village of Garmen are taking to the streets on Friday over the municipality's plans to go on bulldozing their homes.

Local authorities consider their protest to be illegal, with mayor Mina Kapitanova banning rallies in the central area of Garmen on Friday.

Renewed Tensions in Bulgaria's Garmen as Demolition of Illegal Buildings Continues

Tensions in the Bulgarian village of Garmen were renewed as four illegal buildings were demolished on Monday.

More than fifty police and gendarmerie officers guarded the officials tasked with the demolition of the illegal buildings, Darik radio informs.

Residents of Bulgaria's Garmen Issue New Ultimatum to Authorities

Residents from the municipality of Garmen issued a new ultimatum to Bulgarian authorities on Monday.

The residents tabled a petition with 720 signatures to the Council of Ministers, giving the authorities a deadline of one week to take an action against the illegal Roma dwellings.

European Human Rights Court Asks Bulgaria to Stop Demolition of Illegal Houses in Garmen

The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has asked the Bulgarian government to stop the demolition of illegal dwellings in the Roma neighbourhood of the village of Garmen until housing has not been provided for the vulnerable families.

NGO Threatens to Sue Bulgaria over Forced Demolition of Homes in Roma District of Garmen

The Bulgarian Helsinki Committee (BHC) has opposed the forced demolition of buildings and homes in the Roma neighborhood of the southwestern Bulgarian village of Garmen.

The human rights NGO cautions that the step leaves four families with nowhere to go, forcing them to sleep out in the open.
