Joint program explores measures to reduce wildfire risk, emissions

[InTime News]

Greece, France, and Montenegro have joined forces in a scientific program dubbed MediterRE3 that is aimed at adopting management practices to reduce the risk and extent of wildfires, as well as the resulting carbon emissions.

The National Observatory of Athens is one of the key participants in the program, with Dr. Tim van der Schriek, an associate at the NOA Institute for Environment Research and Sustainable Development, telling the Athens-Macedonian News Agency (ANA) that the initiative began two years ago and operates effectively in two directions.

"One aspect focuses on the management of forests and land surfaces, aiming to minimize both the occurrence and the scale of wildfires. The other aspect, handled by the observatory, involves predicting how fires evolve in response to changing climate conditions," he said.

Utilizing specific models, the NOA's...

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