Sofia Summit: European Nationalist Parties Converge for "Revival" Conference

In a move drawing attention across Europe, Bulgaria's pro-Russian, Eurosceptic, and nationalist "Revival" (Vazrazhdane) party is set to host a conference in Sofia, titled "The New Leaders of Europe." Gathering representatives from nine countries, the event aims to unite nationalist parties under a common banner and shape the future political landscape of the continent.

Scheduled to take place at the Millennium Grand Hotel, the conference will feature participants from Bulgaria, Greece, Moldova, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Serbia, Hungary, Sweden, and Switzerland, according to an announcement by the "Revival" party. Leaders and delegates from parties with ideologies aligned with "Revival" will converge to discuss pressing issues facing Europe.

Key speakers at the conference include Kostadin Kostadinov from "Revival" (Bulgaria), Evangelos Tsiombanidis from AKKEL (Greece), Natalia Parasca from "Revival" (Moldova), Ralf Dekker from "Forum for Democracy" (Netherlands), Milan Uhrik from "Republika" Movement (Slovakia), Goran Igić from "Oathkeepers" (Serbia), János Árgyelán from "Our Homeland" (Hungary), Gustav Kasselstrand from "Alternative for Sweden" (Sweden), and Nikolas Rimoldi from "MASS-VOLL!" Movement (Switzerland).

The conference agenda is expected to cover a wide range of topics, reflecting the diverse interests and concerns of nationalist parties across Europe. Previous gatherings organized by "Revival," such as the "We are the youth of Europe" conference on March 2, have focused on issues like demographic challenges, attracting participants from prominent nationalist parties including "Alternative for Germany" (Germany) and "Freedom and Direct Democracy" (Czech Republic), alongside others.

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