A potential miracle

There are few places in the world that combine unparalleled natural beauty with a rich history that dates back to antiquity as Greece does and it’s this rare attribute that attracts millions of visitors to the country every year.

That said, Greece has a lot of potential that still remains untapped, with one prime example being many of the country’s museums and archaeological sites that remain stuck in a way of doing business that belongs to the past. Their gift shops, for instance, pale in comparison to those seen at major attractions abroad.

Things are thankfully changing, as the government and tourism professionals are seizing the opportunity to upgrade the country’s tourism product and bring Greece back into style.

Athens’s profile as a destination has also improved greatly in the past few years. Its museums have extended their opening hours and there are parts of the capital that have become destinations in their own right.

Tourism is the Greek economy’s biggest growth engine and with a bit of hard work and initiative it could produce a miracle.

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