Sava, Danube pose no threat to Belgrade

BELGRADE - There are no threatened areas in Belgrade, the Danube level increased by two centimeters in the last 24 hours, while the Sava level went up by one centimeter, Milos Milovanovic, director of the public water management company Beogradvode, told Tanjug on Friday.

Milovanovic said that peak of the flood wave is expected on Sunday, while in the next few days the level of the rivers will increase by few centimeters, which will not threaten Belgrade.

The defence level is 1.80 m above, which means that the water level may increase that much, but according to all prognosis this will not be the case, the director said.

“At the moment there are no neighborhoods that are threatened aside from the ones where groundwater poses a problem. The groundwater levels will increase in the lower parts of the city and this will be solved by pumping stations,” Milovanovic said.

The Danube River level near Belgrade stood at 630 cm at 07:00 CET, while the Sava was at 582 cm.

Photo Tanjug, O. Toskic

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