Bulgarian PM Sees No Link Between Suspended EU Funds, South Stream

Bulgarian Prime Minister Plamen Oresharski. Photo by BGNES

Bulgaria's Prime Minister Plamen Oresharski sees no connection between the suspended European funds for regional development and the South Stream issue.

The European Commission decided to temporarily suspend payments to Bulgaria under the Operational Programme for Regional Development, citing mismanagement during the 2010-2013 period.

Meanwhile, Bulgaria is also facing procedures from the EC for its decision to implement amendments to the status of the South Stream gas pipeline, which would not be in accordance with European law.

"I would like to think that there is no connection between the two. I have also been assured by the European Commission that there is no link between the suspended funds and South Stream", PM Oresharski said in Parliament on Wednesday.

The Prime Minister outlined that there has been criticism for the use of regional development funds in the past as well, while the latest penalties concern a longer period over the last 3 years.

On the issue of South Stream, Oresharski was clear that it is an important project for the country, but needs to be constructed in line with European norms.

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