Two Italian, French Surveillance Vessels Expected to Enter Black Sea

French reconnaissance ship Dupuy de Lome. Photo by

NATO will send two surveillance ships to the Black Sea in the next few days to conduct radio-electronic reconnaissance of the military objects of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

"Italy's surveillance ship Elettra is expected to enter the Black Sea any day now. French reconnaissance ship Dupuy de Lome is also expected to return to the Black Sea after it left in May," a source from the General Staff of the Russian Navy told ITAR-TASS.

The vessels will be providing moral support for the Kiev authorities and the practical military aim is to conduct reconnaissance of military facilities of the Russian Black Sea Fleet located on the Crimean peninsula, as well as important administrative and strategic objects in the region, the source added.

Meanwhile, Russian Baltic Fleet, Airborne Troops and Air Force have started drills in the Kaliningrad Region on Tuesday.

The military exercise is taking place at the same time as the international drills Saber Strike 2014 and BALTOPS 2014 that started in Europe.

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