EC Recommends To Serbia To Suspend Work on South Stream Pipeline


The EC has recommended to Serbia to suspend construction of the South Stream Pipeline until it is fully in line with European law, reports BTA quoting the Serbian daily Politika. 

“The EC is not against the South Stream project in principle, as it is important to diversify the natural gas deliveries in the Western Balkans,” said the newspaper. “South Stream is a new way of delivery, but not a new source. The EC is not against the pipeline, but against the manner the project is carried out.”

According to the EC, the South Stream pipeline, just like any other large infrastructure project in Europe, must have strict and clear legal framework, which in this case is still lacking. 

“The EC position on South Stream in Serbia is no exception,” said the EC  statement, quoted by Politika. “Furthermore, not a single intergovernmental agreement on South Stream, signed by Russia, complies with EU law. Our position is uniform both for EU member states and for third countries, such as Serbia. It is in the best longterm interest of Serbia, as a candidate EU member, to comply with EU law with regard the South Stream pipeline.”

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