ROMANIANS AT MONGOL RALLY Start in London for the world's largest charity rally


The Mongol Rally, the world's largest charity rally, started on Sunday in London, after some of the most unusual teams lined up for the start were rewarded for originality or courage while other teams had to drop out because their cars packed up at the start.

Among the teams that took the official start in London were the Mamaliga (Polenta) Warriors, one of Romania's two teams that embarked on the Mongol Rally.

The Adventurists, the friends carving adrenaline who have started this whacky rally that gathers at the start line cars that are almost not ready to cope with a journey to Ulan Bator, write on their web site that the launch was 'chaos managed.'

Adventure was there as well. Thus, Team Lostin Allegro were debating whether to fix their exhaust which fell off on their way to the launch. They managed to use their rally wristbands to fix their perished exhaust rubbers, according to the organisers. The Argonaughts Return fared only slightly better, managing to cross the start line before breaking down, while Team 138 was one of the three teams losing their exhaust on the Mongol Rally start ramp.

To round it all up, the event in London included a prize-giving, with the four categories being put to public vote. The winner of Least Likely to Make It was Marcus from Navigational Error in his Ferrari. Including a Ferrari on the start list of a rally that only accepts cars of a capacity of 1,000 cubic metres came after organisers said they would make an exception to the rule, provided someone would register a Lamborghini for the rally. For the lack of a Lamborghini, the Ferrari was accepted. The popular consensus is that he will not make it further than Romania.

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