Serbian Armed Forces IT specialists take part in exercise

BELGRADE - A military exercise involving over 1,100 telecommunications and IT specialists from 28 NATO and Partnership for Peace countries, including 25 Serbian Armed Forces members, is under way in Grafenwoehr, Germany.

The Combined Endeavour 2014 interoperability exercise, held from August 28 through September 12, is organised by the United States European Command, said a statement from the Serbian Armed Forces.

The Serbian Armed Forces sent 25 servicemen to the exercise, 15 of whom are based in Germany, with the remaining 10 located on a remote site at the Jovan Miskovic barracks in Belgrade.

Alongside colleagues from 28 countries and three international organisations, the Serbian Armed Forces communications and IT specialists are receiving training on setting up a telecommunications and IT centre and establishing and using communications services in multinational operations, in this particular case, in a humanitarian mission in Africa.

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