State administration has 7,553 advisers
The phenomenon of public bureaucracy State administration has 7,553 advisers
BELGRADE: One in four public workers employed in the state administration is somebody's adviser. Of 28,000 officers, 7,553 carry the title junior or senior "adviser", Blic sources say.
The most advisers are found in the ministries of the Serbian government, judicial authorities and authorities within ministries.
Furthermore, ministers and deputy prime ministers have a right to engage special advisers. For now, there are more than 30 of them, because not all members of the cabinet of Aleksandar Vučić have used their rights given by the decision of the government considering the number of special advisers and standards for compensation for their work.
In the ministries themselves, one in eight employees (apart from the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Interior) carries the title "adviser". According to information from March 2014, ministries employ 17,732 people, 15,118 of which permanently and 1,717 as part time employees, while 897 are engaged "on other grounds".
The Ministries of Commerce, Tourism and Telecommunications have the most advisers - 796.
President's men
As President of the Republic, Tomislav Nikolić has SEVEN ADVISERS, and the Law on the president of the Republic doesn't hinder him to engage as many people as he wants. The law does not specify education, age, working experience and years of service of the advisers. Of seven Nikolić's consultants, three are not paid for their work: Predrag Mikić, Ivan Mrkić and Oliver Antić.
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