Serbia on map of European eco-countries

OBEDSKA BARA - Serbia has great potential for eco-tourism, but only 6 percent of its territory is protected, while the standard in the EU is 11 percent of a country's territory, Eco-Dev project coordinator Sophie Kekic said on Thursday.

All those interested will from now on be able to get information on sites of natural beauty and tourist potential of Obedska Bara through an online application called Eco Dots, she stressed.

This application is meant to help with reservations and organisation of eco-tours in Europe, and now in Serbia as well, she noted.

Thanks to support from the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications, European Commission and Telenor Foundation, Eco Dots will allow tourists from Serbia and abroad to get information about Serbia's rich natural heritage, she underscored.

"The Eco-Dev Centre for research and development projects works to promote Serbia as an eco-destination. This Android application displays 15 protected areas in Serbia, including Obedska Bara," she noted.

The application (found at provides information on the nature parks Golija and Stara Planina and reserves Obedska Bara, Bagremara, Koviljsko-Petrovaradinski Rit, Gornje Podunavlje andn Deliblatska Pescara.

EcoVirtour is a vitual eco-tour through Serbia's protected areas and is meant for Android devices.

The giude comprises an Internet presentation at and the application that can be downloaded for free and includes all the elements of sustainable tourism and eco-tourism.

Photo Tanjug Video, camera operator Zoran Milenkovic

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