Serbia's EU path will not slow down over Srbijagas

BELGRADE - Serbia's EU path will not slow down nor will the country have to endure any sanctions over the restructuring of the Srbijagas public enterprise, Minister of Energy and Mining Aleksandar Antic told Tanjug on Wednesday.

The minister said that he forwarded the plan for Srbijagas restructuring to the govenrment for adoption on Wednesday, and added that the document has been fully adjusted to the EU Second and Third Energy Package.
"I expect the Serbian govenrment to adopt the plan for Srbijagas restructuring as soon as possible, which will make room for finalisation of the process within the envisaged deadlines and in keeping with the principles of the Third Energy Package," Antic said.

He specified that the plan envisages Srbijagas should become a vertically integrated company by March 31, 2015, with evenly distributed energy activities in keeping with the Third Energy Package and the legislations of Serbia and the EU, whereby Serbia will meet all the requirements set forth by the European Commission and the Energy Community.
"If the Serbian govenrment adopts the initial points for Srbijagas restructuring and if we manage to complete this within realistic deadlines, Serbia will not face a situation at any point where it would be compelled to endure the sanctions by the Energy Community," Antic said.

"Two months ago, we filed the draft plan for Srbijagas restructuring to representatives of the European Commission and the Energy Community, and over the past few weeks we had very intense communication on the matter and we invested intense efforts in order to achieve certain alignment of the stands," Antic said.

Replying to the question as to whether such model of Srbijagas restructuring can jeopardise the...

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