Mogherini: South Stream Gas Pipeline Not On EU Priority List

EU Commissioner-designate for High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini from Italy, during a hearing by the Committee on Foreign Affairs, at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, 06 October 2014.

The South Stream gas pipeline is not a priority in the EU's energy strategy, according to Federica Mogherini, the incoming EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security Policy.

Mogherini, as cited by ITAR-TASS, commented on the gas pipeline project during her hearing at the European Parliament on Monday.

She argued that talks between the EU and Russia on the South Stream project could only be restored after the creation of the necessary political conditions, which were unavailable at the current stage.

Mogherini attributed the lack of appropriate political conditions to the situation in Ukraine and the EU-Russia relations.

ITAR-TASS reminds that Italy's Eni is a major partner of Russia's Gazprom in the South Stream gas pipeline project and that Italy has referred to the project as one of strategic importance.

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