New EU Food Label Requirements Come Into Effect In December


As of December 13 the new EU Regulation 1169/2011 on the provision of food information to consumers comes into effect, reports the BGNES wire service.

All essential information on contents of processed foods and drinks and best before date must be in one area of the label, in large legible print.

The new labels must also highlight allergens, such as milk and nuts, listed in an appendix to the Regulation. The requirements on information on allergens also cover non pre-packed foods including those sold in restaurants and cafés.

It also introduces mandatory origin labelling of unprocessed meat from pigs, sheep, goats and poultry.

At the same time misleading and unproven claims on eventual health and dietary benefits is forbidden.

The transitional period for the new labels will last one year. In 2016 they will be absolutely mandatory. The fine for non-compliance will be BGN 5000 per product.

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