Candidate Ponta: you have three sentenced colleagues; candidate Ionannis: you have 38

Photo credit: (c) Liviu SOVA / AGERPRES PHOTO

Incumbent prime minister Victor Ponta, the presidential candidate of the Social Democrat Party (PSD), National Union for Romania's Progress and Conservative Party told his opponent Klaus Iohannis of the Christian Liberal Alliance there where three of his Rightist colleagues 'definitively and irrevocably' sentenced; Iohannis replied the Leftist have 38 such people.

'As regards Mr [former Social Democrat MP Viorel] Hrebenciuc, the DNA [National Anticorruption Directorate] wanted to arrest him; he resigned [from the Parliament] and was arrested. You had yesterday a request of DNA to arrest your colleague, the head of the PNL [National Liberal Party headed by Iohannis] Prahova County chapter Mircea Rosca. Can you ask him tonight to resign from the Parliament, like Viorel Hrebenciuc?' Ponta replied to Iohannis's mention of several Social Democrats with legal problems, namely 'Adrian Nastase, former prime minister; Liviu Dragnea, secretary general of PSD, indicted; Viorel Hrebenciuc, under criminal investigation; Catalin Voicu, irrevocably convicted; Ecaterina Andronescu, under criminal investigation; Serban Mihailescu, senator, under criminal investigation; Miron Mitrea, sentenced to two years; Dan Sova, under criminal investigation (...)'.


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