Different views on the 100th year of our cinema

On the 100th anniversary of Turkish cinema, books have been published; symposiums have been held. I have read articles reflecting diverse views in some magazines. Thus, I preferred to compile several views about the history of the 100th year and its phases.

The name of the file in the Varlık magazine was “The 100th Year of our Cinema – Homosexual and Trans Individuals in the Yeşilçam Cinema.”

You can read articles by Enis Rıza, Mustafa Altıoklar, Hüseyin Alemdar, küçük İskender and Aslıhan İlhan in this file.

Ä°lhan does not only evaluate these two characters, she also lists the habit of censoring certain topics and characters in our cinema.

As mentioned in Giovanni Scognamillo’s quote, the ‘60s have contributed diverse themes to cinema that had not been touched prior to that time.

According to İlhan, because of the Council of Censorship, the Yeşilçam Cinema has never been courageous. For those topics that may be considered courageous, they were explained to the viewer by implications. Certain topics have especially been regarded as taboo.

In her analysis, she named films involving female and male homosexuality and trans- individuals, also summarizing the script.

She is criticizing the films of directors on this axis.

küçük İskender, in his article named “Our Cinema’s test with LGBTTIQ” is criticizing the prejudices on this topic. He also names successful examples. Director Altıoklar, answering küçük İskender’s questions, said, “There is no main artery in our cinema. There has never been. Actually, there are no veins either. There are only nerves. If you look for the marrow; that has never existed…”

İmren Tüzün’s interview with...

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