Vowel letters

Kazakhstan President Orders Transition to Latin-based Alphabet

Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev signed a decree to change the Kazakh language from Cyrillic to Latin, the head of state said today. "There is a Latin script on the alphabet of the Kazakh language," he says. The government has been planning to set up a commission to draw up a schedule for moving to Latin from 2025. Control will be exercised by the administration of the president.

Activists hold vigil against privatization of idyllic İztuzu beach

The vigil against the privatization of the protected beach of Ä°ztuzu on the Mediterranean will enter its second week beginning on Jan. 6, with activists relying on each other to prevent the transfer of the right to run the recreational facilities at the site to the new holders.

PKK youth branches’ ditches being filled in calmer Cizre town

The municipality of Cizre, the southeastern town in the province of Şırnak that recently witnessed deadly unrest, has begun closing ditches dug by the youth branch of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). The ditches had been dug in a bid to prevent the security forces enter particular neighborhoods.

HDP, families call on Erdoğan to act against Uludere massacre victims

Selahattin Demirtaş, co-chair of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) has joined the commemoration of the 34 villagers who lost their lives in a Turkish military airstrike in 2011 in the southeastern province of Şırnak, calling on the government find those responsible for the deaths.

Driver faces up to 6 years in jail for US-Lebanese reporter’s death

An indictment on a traffic accident in which a Lebanese-American reporter was killed near Turkey’s border with Syria has been completed, with the prosecutor demanding the driver of a heavy vehicle be sentenced to between two to six years in prison on manslaughter charges.
