Vowel letters

Cost of new presidential palace can be debated, says Turkish Deputy PM Arınç

Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç has commented on the amount of money spent on the construction of the controversial new presidential palace, otherwise known as "Ak Saray," admitting that the amount was “not small” and “could be discussed.”

Al-Qaeda mastermind featured for ‘hairs, not terrorism’ in cosmetic ad: Turkish company

A Turkish cosmetics company that ran a controversial online ad for its hair removal product has defended itself, arguing that it featured a notorious al-Qaeda militant “for his hair, not terrorism.”

The ad for the hair removal product reads, in Turkish, “Waiting won’t get rid of that hair!” or, more literally, “The hair will not go away because you keep waiting!”

Turkey’s former top general says coup rumors were 'not serious’

The retrial of the Balyoz (Sledgehammer) coup plot case has begun, with retired former chief of Turkish General Staff Gen. Hilmi Özkök saying the coup rumors were “not serious” during his testimony on Nov. 3.

Özkök, along with former Land Forces Commander Gen. Aytaç Yalman, attended the hearing to testify at the Anatolian 4th Heavy Penalty Court in Istanbul.
