Vowel letters

Cappadocia’s 11,000-year-old settlement thrills experts

After 25 years of excavations, Aşıklı Höyük continues to thrill archaeologists, who believe the number of things left to discover at the site would allow for at least another 25 years of work or more Professor Mihriban Özbaşaran from İstanbul University, the current head of the excavation and research project at Aşıklı Höyük, was a doctorate student when excavations at the site in

Genitalia wiped out of some Turkish school books

Turkey’s sixth graders now see cute animals instead of human genitalia in their school books on science, stirring a fresh 'culture clash' debate Images of human genitalia have been removed from some school textbooks in Turkey, stirring a new debate on censorship and the imposition of a conservative agenda.

Nationalist leader charges government with ‘tyranny’ in Soma olive grove

The felling of around 6,000 olive trees near the Aegean for the construction of a coal power plant stems from the government’s unprincipled economic policies, which favor the interests of companies that support it over those of Turkish citizens, the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader has argued.

Turkish man confesses to murder after keeping wife’s body for two years

A 54-year-old man has turned himself in to Istanbul police, confessing that he kept his wife’s body for two years after killing her.

The man, only identified as İ.K., reportedly killed his wife in 2012 in the Thracian province of Kırklareli after suspecting that she had cheated on him.

The ethics of money

Our pepital. They remember those businessmen who they have benefited from and who have pledged themselves to society with respect. Otherwise, the names of Vehbi Koç, Sakıp Sabancı, İzzet Baysal and Kadir Has would not be in our minds, businesspeople who have found their way in many people’s hearts because of the hospitals, schools and museums they have built.

Turkish researcher ‘threatened’ and ‘harassed’ over tough question to Gül

A Turkish academic researcher who pressed former President Abdullah Gül on the government’s human rights record during a panel in Boston in May claims to have “received threats” and been harassed, mostly by fake online accounts.

Ruling on power plant project in Soma olive grove 'leaked to company'

Kolin İnşaat, the energy firm that felled around 5,000 olive trees in the Aegean village of Yırca last week for the construction of a planned coal power plant, was aware of a Council of State decision halting the project two days before its announcement, a deputy from Turkey’s main opposition has claimed.
