Turkey warns about travel to Algeria

The Foreign Ministry has warned Turkish citizens who are currently in Algeria and who plan to travel there to closely obey security practices and to notify officials of their travels inside the country.

“All of our citizens who are in Algeria, or who will travel to this country, must strictly abide by security regulations and in this respect, they are required to notify the Algerian police or gendarmerie in a timely way of their travels inside the country,” said a statement released Nov. 20.

The ministry cited the fact that Algeria practices restrictions on travel for foreigners in the country. All foreign citizens need permission and notice for their travels within a 40 km semi diameter of the center of the capital Algiers and other cities, it added.

All foreign citizens are subject to the travel regime detailed in a diplomatic note released by the Algerian Foreign Ministry on Oct. 27, stated the Turkish Foreign Ministry.

Travel warning for Ebola outbreak

The Foreign Ministry also issued a warning for Turkish citizens who will travel to Ebola-hit countries, recalling that the world’s worst Ebola outbreak, which began in Guinea nearly a year ago, is still out of control.

Struggle with the outbreak continues in Sierra Leone and Liberia, while the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the end of the epidemic in Senegal and Nigeria, read the statement.

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