Governments or religions will not bring peace to the world

We do not know the meaning of freedom.

We are all pursuing our own wishes and dreams. What we understand about freedom is to act the way we want to while on this path.

We are quite content with ourselves. We think that our truths are the only truth and they should be everybody else?s truth.

Our ideas are so strong that we never ask the question, ?Is that so?? We are absolutely sure of ourselves, our values and our ideology.

We are judgmental and prejudiced. We have clung to our ideas so strongly there is no chance for any flexibility.

We are clueless that thoughts can be as destructive as constructive. We are blind to the destructive effects of thought. This is obstructing us from harmonizing with ourselves and the world.

Instead of uniting, we are pulled to different poles, being slaves to our inflexible thoughts.

This has nothing to do with education or illiteracy. Maybe an illiterate person?s thoughts are limited, but an educated person?s thoughts are also limited. The reason is that the thought itself is limited.

We should turn into ourselves and question our reactions. They do not teach this in school. We are the only ones able to break those chains we have locked ourselves into in our minds. However, in pursuit of our ambitions and our wishes, we do not even volunteer to take the first step.

Famine, war and injustice have not ended in thousands of years. Neither governments nor religions were able to make humankind live more morally and more justly. The world is the same now as it was 1000 years ago.

World peace will not come from governments or religions; we can make that peace by starting with ourselves.

Wherever there is a partition, it is inevitable...

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