Philosophy of life

Bulgarians Divided: Attitudes Towards Euro Adoption Revealed

Eurobarometer data reveals significant insights into Bulgarian attitudes towards adopting the euro, highlighting both optimism and skepticism among the population. According to the survey, 71% of Bulgarians anticipate their country joining the Eurozone within the next five years, marking a notable increase of 9 percentage points since April 2023.

Greece in front of the mirror

We Greeks tend to overreact and be too harsh on ourselves. We often overlook or quickly forget successes and accomplishments, but are quick to find faults and failures. We rarely credit our political opponents or rival parties for doing the right thing, believing that "our guys" are always in the right and working for the good of the nation, while the "others" are always wrong.

Optimism on the Rise: Bulgarians Embrace Joy, Anticipate Better Year Ahead

Bulgaria experiences a surge in optimism as the latest Trend survey unveils a remarkable shift in the nation's mood. According to the findings conducted between December 1-7, 2023, with 1,008 respondents through face-to-face interviews, a staggering two-thirds of Bulgarians report feeling notably happier in the past year, marking a significant rise from previous years.

The mandate, the extremes

The center-right New Democracy party accomplished what it set out to do in Sunday's election. 

Namely, it won with an outright majority and now has all the legitimacy it needs to move ahead with its plans for closer convergence with Europe, for higher salaries, for a better health system, a more efficient justice system, and for reducing inequalities.

Editorial To Vima: Between the Dark Ages and the Enlightenment

Recently, the famed thinker and experimental psychologist Steven Pinker, motivated by the Dark Ages-style disputations of science and the wave of vaccine deniers internationally in the middle of a surge in the COVID-19 pandemic, has published a new book entitled Enlightenment Now: The case for reason, science, humanism, and progress.
