Optimism on the Rise: Bulgarians Embrace Joy, Anticipate Better Year Ahead

Photo: Stella Ivanova @novinite.com

Bulgaria experiences a surge in optimism as the latest Trend survey unveils a remarkable shift in the nation's mood. According to the findings conducted between December 1-7, 2023, with 1,008 respondents through face-to-face interviews, a staggering two-thirds of Bulgarians report feeling notably happier in the past year, marking a significant rise from previous years.

The survey reflects a notable uptick in personal happiness, with 64% of respondents defining themselves as happy in the past year, showcasing a promising trend compared to the preceding three years. This surge has effectively restored happiness levels to pre-pandemic norms, marking a 7% increase from December 2022.

Amidst this positive wave, pessimism has taken a noteworthy dip, witnessing a decrease of over 20% since 2020. Though still the majority at 57%, the decline is striking, signifying a shifting mindset among Bulgarians. Moreover, the assessment of the past year as "good" has surged, with 28% defining 2023 positively, a marked increase from previous years.

Breaking down the demographics, the younger population (18-29 years) stands out as the most optimistic, aligning with historical trends, while negativity tends to increase with age. The survey indicates a shift in perceptions regarding the future as well, with 40% expecting a better year for Bulgaria in 2024, echoing a more positive outlook.

In terms of personal life, 59% of Bulgarians rate the past year favorably, marking the highest level since 2019. However, views regarding professional and financial aspects are comparatively less optimistic, with 32% and 22% respectively expressing satisfaction.

An interesting observation emerges regarding the evolving perception of the Christmas spirit, with 48%...

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