Philosophy of life

IMF’s Gerry Rice dispells optimism of deal with Greece

Director of the IMF’s Communications Department Gerry Rice lowered the bar of expectations of an imminent agreement with Greece on the conclusion of the second review in a press briefing. Mr. Rice said that serious differences between the sides still existed, despite progress on some fronts in the talks.

A pull effect for nationalists is a push effect for democrats in Turkey

I first met the journalist Kadri Gürsel more than 20 years ago. But I got to know him better after I moved to Istanbul from Ankara in 2005, when I began to see him more frequently. Each time we met, developments in Turkey had taken a worse turn than they were in our previous meetings.

Anti-rationalism and anti-intellectualism

Skyrocketing demand for tarot card, coffee cup and tea leaf readers; communities dealing with drought by holding religious litanies; the private lives of judges revealed to all and sundry; anti-establishment groups hailing themselves as the "Sword of Damocles" and staging "symbolic" - to use their term - attacks against public buildings; the general sense of repugnance for all things learned an
