Philosophy of life

For the First Time in 20 Years, The Majority of Bulgarians are Optimistic

For the first time in 20 years, the majority of Bulgarians are optimistic. This is the data from a survey by Alpha Research Agency done together with NOVA.

55 percent of the people who got questioned, they expect the next year to be better. The opinion is that 36% of respondents will be the same, and worse - 9%.

Brits spend more time on toilette than exercising, study shows

Brits spend twice as long on the toilet each week as they spend exercising, according to a new poll.
Incredibly, the average British adult whiles away three hours and nine minutes sitting on their loo every week, but just 90 minutes exercising.
In fact, 26 per cent of people are active for 30 minutes or less every seven days.

Getting serious

Unfortunately we're always going to have a problem with fires in Greece, as will the rest of southern Europe. It doesn't help that we're the only country that employs conspiracy theories to justify our shortcomings.

What is urgently needed is a serious plan that includes other EU countries and absolute professionalism on the part of both the government and local officials.
