Philosophy of life

Op-Ed: Rational radicalism the answer to conservatism

By Yannis Magriotis

Our country over the past decades had impressive growth in many sectors and transcended the dark shadows of the pre-WWII and post-Civil War eras.

It became a member of Western European institutions of security and development and it approached many sides of the democratic and developed world.

Editorial: The tourism balance sheet comes at the end

Once again there was an abundance of praise from the international media on Greece's management of the coronavirus public health crisis.

The image of marbles shining in the sun, to borrow the words of the poet, and of packed beaches emitted a strong signal of optimism about a swift return to normalcy and reminded the world of the Greek success story.

Survey: More than Half of the Bulgarians are Pessimistic about the Development of the Economy after the Pandemic

Over half of Bulgarians (57%) share pessimistic attitudes towards the economic development over the next year. The largest share (31%) say it will take more than a year to return to a normal lifestyle, and 9% say people will never return to it. 68% say they would be worried to visit places where there are many people.

Consumer confidence in record slide

In February 2020 consumer confidence in Greece had climbed to an almost 20-year peak at -4.8 points. It took just a few weeks for it to slide back down to -16.5 points in March, according to Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research (IOBE) statistics released on Wednesday, with the monthly reduction of 11.7 points being the biggest ever recorded from one month to the next.
