How Islam (and Turkey) may be saved

The massacre of cartoonists coming on the top of vicious terrorism by Islamists has generated two responses among Muslims: 1) "The West asked for it! They deserve it!" 2) "This is not Islam! Islam is a religion of peace."

Let us take a look at these responses, which are sometimes articulated together. Then, let us think about how Islam came to this state and how it can get out of it.

'The West asked for it!'

There is no need to go as far as al-Qaeda. Abdurrahman Dilipak wrote in Yeni Akit: "Did not some of you already want 'to force God's hand to bring catastrophe?' There you are. You have found it ... The fire you have stoked will now singe your beard as well. That is why you have to fear ... You were having so much fun mocking our sacred values. Now go ahead and continue to have fun ... There are many young people who would prefer to take revenge than to commit suicide ... Those who sow wind reap fire. With peace and prayers."

Here is what a sign on the billboard of the municipality of Tatvan says: "Greetings to the Kouachi brothers who exacted vengeance for God's Prophet. May God accept your martyrdom. It is democracy when you strike but it is terrorism when we take revenge."

The Aczmendi (a religious order whose name literally means "Humble Servants") held a funeral in absentia in Istanbul for the perpetrators of the Paris massacre.

Here is a warning from Justice and Development Party (AKP) trolls to the Turkish magazine Leman: "@lemandergisi, which recognizes no limits in its vulgarity directed at President Erdo?an, must learn a lesson from the #charliehebdo attack."

'This is not Islam!'

In the meantime, Muslim philosopher Abdennour Bidar wrote in 2014: "I am not this. This is not Islam. ......

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