Venceremos! Pack of condoms sell for … $755 in Venezuela

Venezuela is going through a rough time, with its economy shrinking by 7% alone in 2015 despite the fact that no memorandums or austerity were implemented in the sun-blessed and oil-rich country. One reason is the collapse in oil prices.


According to Bloomberg, after toilet paper, the country is now running out of condoms and other methods of contraception, as the latter have become scarce since December.


Condom stocks in the country are shrinking, while the price of the prophylactics on a website dedicated to finding the “elusive Trojans” has reached newfound heights. Bolivarian Revolution and “Chavismo” aside, a pack of 36 condoms now costs… 755 US dollars, the equivalent to an iPhone 6 — which is used more than once!


A pack of three condoms costs 62 USD in Venezuela, while a 36-pack in the United States costs 25 USD.


Despite the lack of condoms, people in Venezuela are expected to continue having sex, which, however, raises the risks associated with STDs. The country already suffers from an extremely high HIV transmition rate as well as unwanted pregnancies at young ages.


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