Greek PM announces 4-year gov't program on Sunday

The Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) cabinet focused on negotiations that Greece will have with its EU partners concerning the economic crisis and programmed talks to begin in Parliament on Sunday.

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will give a speech at 7 p.m. on Sunday, his first official address as Prime Minister. Sources close to the PM say that Tsipras' speech will be divided into two main parts: the first will focus on the government's commitments over the next five months until June, known as the "bridging deal" proposed by the government whereas the second will concern the 3.5 years following that.

Government sources have made it clear that Tsipras intends to speak the "language of truth" and his statements from within Parliament will be exactly the same as those of the podium of the leaders' summit. The programmed statements over the next few days will move on three axis:

* to put an end to the humanitarian crisis (the basic priority of the government)

* to recharge the economy

* the national plan for reforms

Government sources state that the government is committed to carrying out the mandate it was given when people voted for a specific set of policies.

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