Turkish President Erdo?an: I asked intel chief to stay, but he left

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President Erdo?an reiterates his criticism of intel chief Hakan Fidan for resigning to run for office, saying he advised him to stay in the critical post Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an has said his confidant, National Intelligence Organization (M?T) Chief Hakan Fidan, resigned from his post to run for parliament for the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) despite Erdo?an?s objection, as he wanted Fidan to remain in his crucial current post. 

Nonetheless, the appointment of Fidan?s successor as M?T chief must be approved by the president, Erdo?an stressed, suggesting that he would have the final say on the matter.

The president was speaking to a small group of reporters on board his presidential jet on Feb. 9, at the start of his official trip to South America.

You have said ?I do not view Hakan Fidan?s candidacy positively.? What did you mean by this?

The M?T is not an ordinary institution. We cannot simply appoint an ordinary person to that position. It is an office that one takes after a water-tight screening process. There should be an extremely credible person heading it. As a matter of fact, [during my term as prime minister] I brought someone there [Fidan] who is extremely trusted, someone who I could consider as my secret-keeper. Previously, there were moments when I assigned them [Fidan] as a special representative. 

So now they may be planning to become a candidate to become a deputy or assume a post beyond that position. Or maybe certain promises have been made to him; I cannot know about that. But I told him [Fidan] loud and clear: ?I don?t believe that you leaving [the M?T] is right. You should resume your duties because this is not just any position ? You may be considering this...

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