Pupovac:Vucic breaks ice in relations between Serbia,Croatia

ZAGREB- Milorad Pupovac, leader of the Serb National Council in Croatia, said on Saturday that Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic has broken the ice in relations between Croatia and Serbia with his decision to attend the inauguration of new Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic thereby making an important step for the continuation of the political dialogue.

"Vucic's arrival will in a way melt the frost and ice that have covered the Croatian-Serbian relations in the past few years. The Serbian prime minister decided not to wait for things to mend by themselves, but rather to ignore the disagreements, make a move and give a chance to the dialogue," Popovic told reporters in Zagreb eve of Sunday's inauguration of the new president of Croatia.

This will create conditions for the renewal of talks on all outstanding issues in relations between Zagreb and Belgrade, he said.

Popovic, a member of the Croatian parliament, said that Grabar Kitarovic has a constitutional obligation to take care of all citizens and political stability in the country.

"Once the position of Serbs and interethnic relations are threatened, the political stability in Croatia is disturbed and this does not make Croatia a credible EU member and stakeholder in the regional policy. That is why I believe that Grabar Kitarovic will take this into account and make a contribution," said Popovic.

Popovic pointed out that he is sure that in the talks with Grabar Kitarovic, Vucic will underline Serbia's great interest in the position of Serbs in Croatia.

"Any improvement in the relations between Belgrade and Zagreb improves the position of Serbs in Croatia, and any deterioration may lead to deterioration of the position of Serbs," Popovic said....

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