Illegal immigration: Justice is served, new problems created

The operation of detention centers may have resulted in more illegal immigrants returning to their countries of origin from Greece over the last two years, however the Greek Residence Bureau section dealing with illegal immigration has found that the conditions at these reception centers were squalid. Greece had often been fined from EU human rights watchdogs concerning the operation of such camps, showing that problems had merely been swept under the carpet giving the illusion of progress.

A report by the relevant service dated March 3, 2015, titled "Pre-Deportment Center Foundation and the Project Impact", gives a detailed account of the decision to create the centers, their goals, consequences and an evaluation of their achievements. The introduction refers to Frontex figures that show that 80% of the immigrants entering the European Union without the required documentation came through the Greek-Turkish border. The need for the situation to be addressed has gained greater impetus now that it is considered definite that a number of ISIS militants entered Europe through Greece.

The report states that the huge flow of immigrants has seen them gather at urban centers (Athens, Patra, Igoumenitsa, Corinth) causing problems for the foreigners as well as lowering the feelings of safety and security amongst citizens living at these regions. From August 2012, the controversial Xenios Zeus program was aimed at addressing the problems caused by illegal immigration at the Athens center. Following a report, the operation began for the gathering of immigrants away from the city centers without however the required foundation. It was found that all the detention centers lacked pharmaceutical supplies.

The centers were shortstaffed with as much as 10-month...

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