Alco: ND at 23.7%, PASOK at 13.2%, Androulakis leads PASOK, Kasselakis leads SYRIZA

The Alco survey, presented on Alpha’s main news bulletin, clearly shows ND’s lead, while SYRIZA appears once again with a single-digit percentage—9.1%—in voter intent of valid votes. PASOK shows an increase to 13.2%, a higher percentage than in the European elections.

The Greek Solution has risen and is now polling in third place with 9.4% in voter intent of valid votes, ahead of SYRIZA and KKE. The Voice of Reason also shows a rise, barely surpassing Plefsi Eleftherias.

The survey reflects a picture of social dissatisfaction, with 85% indicating they see prices increasing and 48% believing that the measures announced at the Thessaloniki International Fair will not help their families at all.

Survey results for PASOK and SYRIZA

Alco recorded a 5.6-point lead for Nikos Androulakis over Charis Doukas.

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