Dacic, Brasseur on human rights situation in Serbia

BELGRADE - Serbian Foreign Minister, OSCE Chairman-in-Office Ivica Dacic talked on Monday with President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Anne Brasseur about the topics within the Council of Europe (CoE) competence, primarily the standards of democracy, human rights and the rule of law in Serbia and the region.

Brasseur underscored the importance of Serbia's role in the region as a factor of stability, and the pronounced significance of the country's OSCE chairmanship in this very important period for Europe, the ministry of foreign affairs said in a release.

Serbia attaches great importance to the PACE as a forum offering an opportunity for discussing all current affairs in Europe, Dacic.

Earlier on Monday, upon arriving in Belgrade, she held a lecture on the CoE at Belgrade's Faculty of Political Sciences.

Photo Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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