President Iohannis: I ask PM Ponta to cancel Valcov from Finances minister

Photo: (c) Alex Micsik / AGERPRES Photo

President Klaus Iohannis asks Prime Minister Victor Ponta to start procedure of revoking Darius Valcov from Finances minister.

Photo: (c) Alex Micsik / AGERPRES Photo

"Given that the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) prosecutors have decided the prosecution of the Finances minister, Mr. Darius Valcov I would have expected that Mr. Valcov resigned from his position, thus understanding that he harms the Government's activity and credibility, which never happened. Under these circumstances, I ask Prime minister Victor Ponta to start the procedure of revoking Mr. Darius Valcov from his position of Finances minister," the message sent on Sunday by the head of state reads, as regards the prosecution of the Public Finances minister.

The DNA has announced on Friday night it has started the criminal prosecution of the Public Finances minister, Darius Valcov for influence peddling in his capacity of mayor of the city of Slatina.

"In 2009, the administrator of a commercial company has contacted Darius Valcov, who was a mayor at that time and forwarded him a proposition that, in exchange of offering support to influencing the decision makers within the contracting authority, with a view to win some bids of public works for objectives in the Slatina municipality, the towns of Scornicesti, Piatra Olt and Draganesti, he was to give Valcov 20 pct of the sums cashed (VAT-free), according to the execution contracts of the said works," a DNA release informs.AGERPRES

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