Former ANI chief Horia Georgescu brought to the ICCJ

Photo credit: (c) Cristian NISTOR / AGERPRES ARCHIVE

The High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) on Tuesday is to check on the legality of preventive measures in the ANRP (National Authority for Property Restitution) case with the former chief of the National Integrity Agency (ANI) Horia Georgescu and MPs Catalin Theodor Nicolescu and Marko Attila-Gabor involved.

Photo credit: (c) Cristian NISTOR / AGERPRES ARCHIVE

Thus, a judge of a preliminary chamber is set to check into the preventive measures that were dictated in this case, among which the preventive detention measures already implemented in Horia Georgescu's and Catalin Theodor Nicolescu's cases.

The former ANI chef is charged with three counts of abuse of office, with aggravated circumstances, while Catalin Theodor Nicolescu is charged with repeatedly taking bribe (24 material facts) and three counts of abuse of office, with aggravated circumstances.

Also, there were nine more people involved in the same case, all of them members of the Central Committee for Damage Settlement within the ANRP, either as certified evaluation specialists: Ingrid Zaarour, currently placed under judicial control, president of the ANRP back at the time when the facts were committed, Mihnea-Remus Iuoras and Ingrid-Popa Mocanu, both placed under a preventive detention measure, vice-presidents of the ANRP back when the facts were committed, Remus Baciu, who got a definitive sentence to serve in prison for corruption facts for his involvement in another case, vice-president of the ANRP back when the facts were committed, Catalin Canagiu, currently in preventive detention, a representative of the Ministry of Public Finances, Gheorghe Visoiu, currently placed under preventive arrest, an employee of the ANRP, Florin Hanu, certified evaluation expert,...

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