Africa patriarch voices concern over rising threat of terrorism

The head of the Greek Orthodox Church in Africa, Patriarch Theodore II, has expressed concern about the rising threat of terrorism in the region after Islamic State militants murdered more than 20 Ethiopian Christians.

?We must not let religious fanaticism take advantage of the sense of unfairness that is born of the political and economic amoralism displayed by the world?s powerful,? the patriarch of Alexandria and all Africa told Kathimerini Tuesday.

?The Middle East is suffering at this moment due to the spread of terrorism because on this perennial chessboard of great geopolitical and energy value, those that move the pawns were never really interested in improving simple people?s living conditions.?

The patriarch, however, insisted that the Church still has a vital role to play in fighting terrorism. ?If people can be taught to hate, they can also be taught to love much more easily,? he said.

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