No signs that German companies would withdraw from Serbia

BELGRADE - Director of the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce for Serbia Martin Knapp stated that there are no signs that major German companies doing business in Serbia would withdraw from the country.

Replying to the question voiced during a news conference concerning the possibility of fresh German investments in Serbia, Knapp said that this matter will depend on the terms of operation in the country, and added that the interested German companies will not announce their investments until they reach the final decision.

Knapp announced the constitution of a chamber of commerce in the next few months which will be created by merging of the German-Serbian Business Association and the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce for Serbia. He also announced that a meeting would be held in Munich on June 9 during which Serbian companies would get a chance to present themselves to German businessmen.

German companies are interested in the metal processing sector in Serbia, Knapp said and underscored that active efforts are being invested in the search for a systemic solution that will allow Serbian companies doing business in the sector to be the suppliers for German companies.

Photo Tanjug/Tanja Valic

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