Citizens mark Labor Day with picnics, but also rallies

BELGRADE- Serbian citizens traditionally marked the International Workers' Day with picnics, but the holiday known as Labor Day in Serbia was also marked with protests organized by certain trade unions.

The Confederation of Autonomous Trade Unions of Serbia (??) and the United Bran? Unions (UGS) "Nezavisnost" held a rally in downtown Belgrade in order to expre? their discontent over falling living standards, le? rights for employees and salaries and pensions cuts.

The trade unionists from Belgrade and other Serbian cities sent a me?age from the capital's Nikola Pasic Square it is time for employees to take to the streets and begin to fight for their rights.

"Next May 1 has to look different or we will cease to exist. We have rea?ed an end point, and it is time for us to start fighting for ourselves because no one else will," President of UGS Nezavisnost Branislav Canak said.

President of ?? Ljubisav Orbovic said that workers only seek opportunity to make a decent living from their work. "We have to fight for this all 365 days a year," he said.

The first time the holiday was marked in Serbia was with protest rallies in Belgrade in 1893.

Photo Tanjug,O.Toskic,ilustration

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