'Lion roars' as Scottish nationalists score historic sweep


The Scottish National Party (SNP) won a landslide in Scotland on May 8, destroying the Labour party north of the border in a historic leap forward which could increase pressure for a fresh referendum on independence.

The nationalists won 56 of 59 parliamentary seats in Scotland in the May 7 general election, final results showed, up from just six at the last vote in 2010.

?It is an extraordinary statement of intent from the people of Scotland. The Scottish lion has roared this morning across the country,? former SNP leader Alex Salmond said.

The extent of the victory was embodied by the success of Mhairi Black, a 20-year-old student who unseated Labour?s campaign chief to become Britain?s youngest MP since 1667.

Labour?s leader in Scotland, Jim Murphy, was also defeated by the SNP in a deeply embarrassing loss for the main opposition party in what was once one of its heartlands.

?The SNP has done almost a complete wipeout,? said Patrick Dunleavy, a professor of political science at the London School of Economics.

The final result gave Labour just one seat, down from 41 in 2010, while Prime Minister David Cameron?s Conservatives held their single seat and the smaller centrist Liberal Democrats went down from 11 seats to just one.

?In Scotland we have seen a surge of nationalism overwhelm our party,? an ashen Labour leader Ed Miliband said.

The SNP?s historic landslide is all the more astonishing as it comes just months after voters rejected by 55 percent the party?s call for independence from the rest of Britain in September?s referendum.

?What a result!? tweeted Nicola Sturgeon, who took over as SNP leader after the referendum.

With the Conservatives set to become the largest...

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