Ramush Haradinaj is the mastermind behind the Kumanovo attack

Ramush Haradinaj is the mastermind behind the Kumanovo attack

Daut Haradinaj, Ramush's brother is directly involved in organizing terrorist attacks in Macedonia's northwest.

These terrorist groups are responsible for bloody attack during the last weekend in Kumanovo. This information comes from highest officials in Serbian security agencies.


In this report exclusively gained by "Blic", officials say that the idea of "Great Albania" is very likely produce more attempts to destabilize the region, possibly on south of Serbia and Serbian enclaves in Kosovo.


- Terrorists in Kosovska Mitrovica are planning to cause incidents on Kosovo's north, and attack employees in Serbian office for KiM, not far from fire station - the reports says.


Among the responsibles for Kumanovo attack are Hamdi and Mirsad Ndrecaj, former members of terrorist gropu Kosovo Liberation Army (OVK). They officialy claimed responsibility for attack in Kumanovo.


"Mirsad Ndrecaj aka NATO, Sami Ukshini Sokolj and Beg Rizaj are one of the responsible for Kumanovo attack. They were members of OVK in the Kosovo war under the direct command of Daut Haradinaj", the report says.


Daut Haradinaj plans to resign on all political functions in his brother's political party, including his MP status, because of possibility of him to be criminally charged.


One more thing in this report, which is very important, is the reason why Albanian terrorists attacked Kumanovo. Macedonian security forces think the reason for the attack is because Prime Minister Gruevski prefers Russia before USA.



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