Blast Rocks Ukraine President's Confectionery Chain Store

Photo Wikipedia

A blast occurred late on Thursday in a Kiev store of Roshen, a confectionery chain owned by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, police say.

No-one was injured after a bomb went off in the store at about 23:00 local time.

An improvised explosive device was used in the attack, Oleksandr Tereshchuk, who heads the Kiev police department, is quoted by TASS as telling journalists from Ukraine's public TV station.

Tereshchuk has called the incident "an act of hooliganism" and has ruled out any terror link.

Roshen is one of the world's large confectionery manufacturing groups, also having production facilities in Lithuania and Russia.

In January, there was an assault on another Roshen store, with a young man purporting to be part of a "civic organization" hurling rocks at the store's window.

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