Unknown group claims prison warden's murder

A previously unknown group has claimed responsibility for murdering the warden of Domokos Prison in central Greece three months ago.

Makis Galimanis was gunned down outside his home in Lamia in February in a drive-by shooting.

The Popular Justice Militia Organization claimed in a text posted on the Indymedia website that it had executed Galimanis because he was an ?enemy of the people? and a ?torturer.? It accused him of patrolling the jail with a shepherd?s crook in his hand.

The text is being analyzed by members of the anti-terrorism squad.

One of the suspects in the Galimanis murder was wanted bank robber Spyros Dravilas, who allegedly committed suicide during a police operation near Volos, central Greece, on Friday. Two other men were arrested in the raid.

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