Renovation of Sofia's Ruski Pametnik Begins

Photo: BGNES

Reconstruction of the rotary at the Ruski Pametnik square is scheduled to begin June 10. It will last 70 days, meaning work will be completed by end August.

''The reconstruction will aim at improving the geometry and the technical parameters of the rotary, that is one of the most highly used ones in the capital,'' stated Deputy Mayor of Sofia. ''It can't remain in its current condition as it is not able to take all the heavy traffic in the center of town.''

A big portion of the water pipes will also be reconstructed, while the tram rails will be moved to the middle of Skobelev Boulevard.

Additionally, all pedestrian zones will also be renovated with new street lights and brand new asphalt coverage.

A further new implementation will be added - grass around the tram rails near Ruski Pametnik, that will be further extended along the entire Makedonski Boulevard.  

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